First-time freshmen with less than 30 earned credit hours who have a Northwest GPA below 1.75 (qualitative measure) or a course completion rate below 67 percent (quantitative measure) are placed on Financial Aid Warning.
Students CAN receive financial aid during the semester of attendance while on Financial Aid Warning.
However, prior to financial aid disbursement, students need to schedule a meeting with a counselor in the Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance to discuss their academic plan, and to review financial aid renewal requirements. To make an appointment with a counselor, please call 660.562.1363 or visit the office in person. The Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance is located in room 273 on the second floor of the Administration Building.
Definition of Terms:
- Financial Aid Warning: When a student does not meet the academic progress standard, they will be placed on Financial Aid Warning for the following semester. Students remain eligible to receive aid during the warning period and their record will be reviewed for compliance again following their next term of enrollment.
- Financial Aid Suspension: A student who is placed on Financial Aid Warning and does not meet the qualitative and quantitative academic progress standards at the conclusion of the warning period will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. This suspension status results in the loss of eligibility for all types of financial aid until all Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards are met.
- Appeal Process: A student who fails to make SAP after being on Financial Aid Warning may appeal, in writing, the loss of eligibility. The appeal must be based on documented mitigating circumstances that were clearly beyond the student’s control. Types of required documentation may include doctor and hospital reports, legal documents or written confirmation from a parent or other official sources as deemed appropriate by the Financial Review Committee. Written appeals and all supporting documentation must be submitted to the Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance.
- Regaining Eligibility: After an unsuccessful warning period, an unsuccessful probationary period or an unsuccessful appeal, a student must achieve both the qualitative and quantitative standards to regain financial aid eligibility.
View the complete Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy
Charles Mayfield
Office of Scholarships and Financial Assistance
273 Administration Building
Phone: 660.562.1363